Why did I choose Contact Care Flinchlock Release? Well it goes like this…
I ran my massage business in Whitaker Street, Te Aroha between 2003 & 2007, prior to moving back to Australia.
During those four years, it seemed that every second client asked me if I knew Dale Speedy from Ngatea! And while that’s a slight exaggeration of course, I can tell you that there were many people over those four years who asked me that question.
After that question was asked the first time, when of course I’d never heard of Dale, I remember saying each time “I’ve heard of him, but I don’t know what he does”, and generally my clients replied with something along the lines of “Me either. But he does this thing, and it’s a bit weird and hard to describe, but it works!”
What amazes me now is that I never got around to looking into what Dale Speedy did back then. I guess I just wasn’t ready…
So after four years of living and working in Te Aroha, we sold our house, I closed my massage business, and we moved back to Australia at the beginning of 2008.
Back To New Zealand and Contact Care Flinchlock Release
After eight years back in Australia, in 2015 we again crossed the ditch, back to New Zealand. We had no real fixed plans, but while staying with my son here in Te Aroha, I discovered that my old massage rooms were empty. So I made the decision to reopen Mountain View Massage & Health, and go back to being a remedial therapist full time.
Then it happened again…
The second week I was open for business, a new client asked me “Do you know Dale Speedy from Ngatea?”
“Well!” I said “I’ve heard of him but I (still) don’t know what he does.”
I hadn’t thought or heard about Dale Speedy and his weird therapy for almost eight years. But it was my second week back in my clinic in Te Aroha, and here he was again.
Then one week later, another client asked that same question. So I Googled Dale Speedy, and read with interest about ConTact CARE Flinchlock Release on his website.
I Was Looking
The truth is that I was looking for another modality or therapy to learn. I’d been considering Reflexology or Kinesiology, but then I became intrigued by this Contact Care Flinchlock Release…
I thought that if I was going to go back into business as a natural therapist full time, then I wanted to be the best practitioner I could be.
I also figured that at my age, I might as well stick at it until I retire, and so I wanted to do some more learning – something that might not be quite as physically demanding as massage (I quickly realised as I got busier again with massage that my wrists weren’t in a good way), and I also wanted to be able to provide more options and results for my clients.
First Experiences…
So I booked my first foundation course. I also booked a treatment for myself and hubby with another practitioner. We had a couple of treatments prior to starting my first course, and we were both amazed at the changes we felt from such a gentle and relaxing treatment.
There was no crunching, cracking, or force of any kind! I’d worked for a Chiropractor for a while in Australia, and had first hand experience as well as watching every day, just how violent those chiropractic manipulations can be! However, with Contact Care, it didn’t feel like the practitioner was doing much at all, but the effects were huge! There was more change from this gentle modality than I’d ever experienced with any other bodywork treatment.
I was hooked!
And I’m happy to say that I continue to be amazed and delighted by the results I get treating clients using Contact Care to this day…
ConTact CARE Flinchlock Release Often Gets Astounding Results
That was back in 2016 and as I said already, the results I get with clients continues to amaze, and delight me every week.
Contact C.A.R.E. allows me to resolve issues where many other therapies have failed. It is common to have people come to me as new clients, with injuries or problems that they’ve been trying to get resolved for years.
Many of these clients have been through the ringer within the mainstream medical system as well as alternative practitioners. They’ve often seen doctors, specialists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, energy healers and more. They’ve had X-rays, CT Scans, MRI’s, surgeries and the list goes on.
So when they come for Contact Care, it’s sometimes a last resort and they’re not really expecting change. So they too are often surprised and delighted with the results they get from just a small number of Contact Care treatments.
The results that can be obtained with this modality are often unbelievable and I’m happy to say I’ve personally resolved many issues for clients over the years, such as:
- Old injuries (30 plus years!) that the sufferer has been told they’d have to live with.
- Memory loss (amnesia)
- Breathing issues
- Herniated disc
- Frozen shoulder
- ‘Deterioration’ in hips or knees
- Tennis elbow
- Recovery from fractures or soft tissue damage
- Migraines
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Achilles problems
- Sciatic pain
- General pain – Back, neck, arms, hands, feet, jaw, legs, body….
- and much, much more…
Nothing Working? Try Contact CARE Flinchlock Release
Contact Care doesn’t correct 100% of the problems that bring clients to me. There’s no modality that is 100% effective. However, I find that I can help well over 90% of the clients that decide to give Contact Care Flinchlock Release a go. If you have something causing you pain, discomfort or dis-ease in your body, and you’ve had enough, but are having no luck getting it resolved, try Contact C.A.R.E.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Contact me for more info.